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transaction guide

BARBES Order Steps
1. Select Product and Add to Cart
You can make your selection by examining the products in the BARBES collection based on color and size. After looking at the fabric details, pattern and size information of the products, add the product you like to the cart.
2. Determining the Delivery Address
On the address information screen, you can use the address you have previously saved or add a new address. Then, you will complete your order one more step by proceeding to the payment options.
3. Filling in Payment Options
Fill in the required information by selecting one of the payment methods such as credit card or debit card. After checking that the information you entered is correct, you can proceed to the next step.
4. Complete Your Order
Check the box indicating that you have read and approved the “Preliminary Information Form” and “Distance Sales Agreement”. Then, you can create your order by clicking the “Complete Order” button.

BARBES Contract Information
In shopping through the BARBES website, you are deemed to have read and approved the preliminary information regarding the basic characteristics, sales price, payment method and delivery conditions of the products in question. When you complete your order, you declare that this information has been presented to you electronically and that you have approved it.
You can enjoy safe and easy shopping with BARBES!

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